Thursday, April 30, 2009

The old in new again

I as usual, was surfing the web and found a cute idea and stole it from House of Wren. I just love old vintage things and wanted one of my own. This little pretty was a table runner I purchased at a local thrift store in a bag of material for $2. The handles are from another table runner that was also in the bag. The pieces were not complete pieces they had flaws or holes but as you can see vintage is still beautiful. I hope this inspires you to whip out that sewing machine and grandmas old pillow cases, tea towels, or table runners that they so lovingly made and don't let them sit and waste away. Directions are on the link I included. Have fun and use your imagination. If you do make something send me a picture I would love to see it!
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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I might be a redneck if.....

....this is what you did this weekend. Those of us that live in the middle of the country have to get in the grass cutting and weed eating when we can in between rain in the spring. My lovely daughter thought it would be funny if she snuck out and took an unsuspecting picture of her dear old mom weed eating in my rubber boots. (I also tromp through the woods in these helping the hubster hunt mushrooms. Wow what a site I am.) Yes this is me at my finest. Thanks to Lindsy I will now forever know how ridiculous I looked.
Before weed eating though I decided to go out and enjoy our towns big event of the year and go to the City wide garage sales. The whole town signs up and everyone cleans out their garage of all the crap...goodies....that we all fight over and hope to get the best deal. The lovely weed eater you see me with above, was a great find at $5 at a garage sale. I was told an electric one is crazy to have out here in the boonies, but it is light and I don't have a nervous breakdown everytime I try to start this little baby. I just plug in 5 extensions cords and push a button and go my merry way. BTW we do live on 3 acres, it does take alot of cords to cover that area! The box to the left was only a dollar. For those of you that scrapbook you know what a find these little treasures are. My son scored a fishing pole and everyone was happy.
To end the weeekend I started scrapping again. I have not done anything lately. My cousin Traci sent me some pictures of her beautiful kids and I did get one page done of her little clone. Like mother like daughter. She looks like she is quite comfy in front of the camera.
Since we are in soccer and track season and I have an obsession sith paper bag albums I made these little babies for all the pictures I take. I haven't printed any yet but soon they will be filled and on display on the footstool of our couch. Come by and take a look.
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Monday, April 20, 2009

Prom 2009

What can I say...she is growing up fast! Mom you were right when you said time flies when you have children. One minute they are crawling thru the house getting into everything and the next they are off with a boy to prom looking like a beautiful young lady. She is a sophomore dating a senior so we do have a couple more years to cry my motherly tears. Her boyfriend, Colin is a great guy though and they had a great time. Lindsy had to get in on the act to..she stole Colin's sunglasses (he found pink ones to match Kaelie's dress) and his gangster hat and they posed for dear ole' mom.

This is Kaelie's dear friend, Hillary. She is a sweet girl and totes my girl all over town when they get together, and giggle the whole time. It is always nice to see them dressed up like ladies and not in a basketball uniform (with black eyes :)) or in shorts and a t-shirt. You looked beautiful girls!!!
Realize we live in a small town. All the kids that went did not meet up here but a bunch of them did. It is a great thing for the paparazzi parents that live here. We all fight for a great shot and ooh and ahh over each others kids. Most of these kids were in diapers playing together and are now off on their way to a life without us everyday. The senior prom of 2009 has now come and gone and all we have left are memories of a beautiful night and LOTS of pictures!!
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Monday, April 13, 2009

My week Wrapped Up

Yes this is yet another day in my busy life. What can I say about Devin? He is a very energetic boy, very very competitive, and there is never a dull moment with him around! Here he is doing one of his many sports he enjoys, middle school track happens to be the sport of the day. He is in 4 events including long jump, 200 meter dash, the 4 X 1 relay, and the 4X2 relay. In this meet he placed 1st in all events and was happy. In the relay the boys broke a school record and in the 200 meter dash Devin shaved off 2 seconds from his time. Awesome awesome day! Mom was happy because this is how the 65 degree day ended at this track meet.

Isn't this a beautiful way to end a great day? I'll take it anytime. Please hurry back nice dry warm weather, please.

The next night and a couple nights after the track meet this is what we did. Kaelie loves this sport. Soccer to her is like breathing. She plays defense and is awesome at it!! She is a go-getter and strives to prove herself in all that she does. She even got a mention from her coach in the paper this week for her and a fellow team mate, Lindsay Kelly, for being, "the keys for us defensively tonight."Coach Edge said. "Rodgersville has a very athletic forward, and those two did a super job of being physical with her and taking her out of the play." How cool is that?? You always want to please the coach. Too bad this picture is of Clinton, good job mom. Oh well you get the point, with 3 games a week I get a little confused, I am getting old you know. Have a great week and I will try to keep you up family! Hope everyone had a happy Easter.
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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

This one is for Mom and Ian....

I don't always do what I say I will right away, but I will get around to it. I tend to be a BIG procrastinator!!! Sorry to all those unfinished projects I intend to get around to, I will get there. To my mother, I post a picture of the lovely green Jeep that my daughter, Lindsy just bought. Ok she bought it 3 weeks ago but here is the picture, finally. Pretty, ha? Her favorite color in the world.
To my nephew, Ian.. I post a picture of the not so city slicker cousins you have down in the sticks. Yes, this is a form of entertainment in these here parts. All you have to do is "text" one person and tell them you have a dirt track in your backyard and the fact that it had rained like cats and dogs the night before made them come in the multitude. The trucks out here where the brave few that ventured out and went mudding in our field on the track. They had a great time then parked them in a circle cranked up the hillbilly music and had a big ol' bonfire. Doesn't that sound like a good time, Ian??? Don't you want to come live with your crazy hillbilly cousins? No comments Denne' or Traci!!

And on to a little bit of normal life, soccer has begun again. It is weird to sit and watch Kaelie out there playing and not see Lindsy!! She is all graduated and a working girl but she still goes when she can to practice and games and helps out with the team. In case you are wondering Kaelie is number 6 the one getting ready to trip the girl next to her (in the white). She is a sweetie off the field! They won this game 4-0.
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