It was a long hard fought year for these kids! They bumped, wrecked, spun out and worked their little fingers to the bone with the help of their crew chiefs. It has all come to an end finally and each one had led in points at one time or another. The outcome??? 12K (Kaelie) and the 21 (Devin) tied for the championship. Then only a couple points behind was the great competitor K9 (Caelan McCracken). I figured ladies first in the pictures (since they are my kids). No Kaelie wasn't as happy with the outcome because she was out to prove GIRLS RULE! But she did make a statement as well as did the boys. This is a great class and girls can race too and are feared at times. LOL. Thanks to everyone that helps out , esp Martin for all the long hard hours he puts in to make them great racers. And Devins' sponsor, Randy. The sponsors of CGI (Dennis) and El Rodeo. Also to the competition on the track. Thanks for the great racing every week and the fun we have out there! Yes, there are up to 10 in our class but these three were the ones fighting hard each week to get that track championship because points were so close.
Thanks to the kids, the parents, and the track owners for a great place to have our family each and every weekend. Now if any of you have an ideas what the heck are we going to do on Saturday nights now? Ok, well what will we do after the next couple of weekends get passed us. Good luck at Got Milk and Boogieman the next few weekends see you there!