Thursday, October 2, 2008

BHS Homecoming 08

Homecoming has come a gone another year. Kaelie enjoyed the event by celebrating with her volleyball team in the parade. As you can see our colors are blue, gold, and white. The kids get into this, as they should, and dress up and celebrate being kids. We have a little tradition at our school that the kids started a few years ago, although they were put on hold last year but the tradition has picked up and continued on by having the "Shirtless Wonders" painted and cheering at all the games. "Liberators" is spelled out on the guys chests and they cheer through heat and, rain, or cold weather for our team!!! They girls paint them up and help get in the spirit of things by wearing tanks with a football theme on them. (Mom said ok to "shirted wonders" for them). Her are the girls, Kaelie and Kaliegh (how funny) and Colin (Kaleie's BF with the horns). Below are the guys celebrating being a high school student and all that is fun about these days. By the way WE WON!!! Have a great week.

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