Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Life scrapped

So I finally had time to sit down and do what I love to do and put together a little book about us crazy people that live here. I have pictures but have not had time to do anything with them. So here is a little view into our crazy busy life thru scrapbooking instead of just a picture.
Let's see...Darin coaching the girls team (that won STATE, by the way) the next is Matt playing floor hockey with my crew in the living room. They had a blast but broke the Dollar General hockey stick so he had to duck tape it together. (WOW duct tape does fix everything!)
Here is Lindsy and her BF Derek at a soccer game being themselves..goofballs. Kaelie smiling with Majesti for the cover of a magazine I am sure. Lookin'g good girls!
Let's not forget Darin in the DANGER RANGER (that thing just won't die!) Lindsy flying a kite (yes I know she is 18 but she still know how to have a good time). Martin staring at me like I am annoying with camera or something. And then Devin "surfng" in our above ground pool (he finds a challenge and fun in anything). Well as the saying goes...Family is like fudge...mostly sweet with a few NUTS. I am off for now to see what stress the kids can put me thru today. I can't complain it keeps me feeling young and energetic (til the sun goes down and I see the bed then I fell 90).
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1 comment:

Kendra said...

Hey! We play indoor hockey too! But we use stick horses instead.